Friday, April 24, 2009

Allow me this moment of Snark

"OMG, Coords have totally killed six or four or a handful of PCs! Including mine! But that's not what I'm complaining about!"

Consequences suck. Too often it feels like an episode of COPS where the guy is in the back of the car after having been found after driving his car into a telephone pole, with the crack pipe, suspended drivers license, warrant out for his arrest, possession of a firearm, and screaming how unfair it is.

See my post about the accounting and Truth. It's not don't get caught, you know you're not supposed to be doing what your doing. Trying to pretend to be ignorant later just makes you look worse. Complaining OOC just makes you look like you don't know how to play the game.


  1. But what you don't seem to understand is that it isn't fair for me to get killed for spitting in the eye of a Justicar. How dare you think anyone is more important than my character, especially an NPC! That is simply crazy talk.

    Please read above with sarcasm...

    In my opinion, this org needs to kill MORE players. Some people don't believe in consequences in this org. I hear players explicitly stating that they can do whatever they want because their STs will protect them. How many times a year do characters do something that should result in their death and instead, we just sort of forget about it.

    I am going to start a list of people who probably need to die or people who probably would have died if this weren't an org. It'll be grand.

    For anyone who disagrees or think I would think otherwise if I were in the "killing spot" I do believe oversight is needed to make sure you don't have 1 crazy coord killing everyone (it is still a game in the end). Also, I'm willing to give up my character if it is good for plot, so if I do something stupid, bring on the guillotine!


  2. While for the most part, I agree, I know I'd be a hair bit spiteful (depending on the circumstances, of course) if I lost a PC to a Justicar currently, given the sad state of the portrayal of the justicariate.

  3. Micheal: I believe you mean killing characters... not people or players. Important distinction. One easy to put aside, believe me, but an important one, none the less.

  4. Whoops! Yes, my mistake. Killing characters is fine. Killing players is less so.

    And by less so, I mean a felony.

    And felonies are wrong.


